Hybrid 270HRS

pure electric
take-off and landing
CO2 neutral cruising
over large distances
modular design &
The future-oriented technology
for general aviation, eVTOL aircraft, drones
and more. For the next 30 years and beyond!
XAEROS Hybrid 200
Electric take-off and landing in combination with long range and high performance with CO2-neutral fuels
With the XAEROS hybrid system for general aviation, XAEROS bridges the gap between very quiet electric propulsion on and around the airport and a long range using CO2-neutral fuels. Three drive units that function independently of one another - a high-performance electric drive and two efficient piston engines - are combined in a very small drive unit, along with all the components and the drive battery.
Find out more on the individual pages.
XAEROS Hybrid 270
Aviation needs future-oriented and realizable propulsion systems!
Due to the special requirements of aviation, the solutions for road traffic cannot be easily transferred to aviation. Every kilogram is fought for here, which is why the high weight of batteries leads to a massive reduction in range.
The development of aircraft for hydrogen propulsion is in principle possible, but we do not have green hydrogen and it cannot be produced in significant quantities in temperate climates. If green hydrogen is produced in sunny and windy regions, transport by sea leads to enormous losses. Neither the transport ships nor the supply infrastructure nor the aircraft will be available for this in the foreseeable future.
There is still a long way to go until aircraft can be operated pure battery-electric or with hydrogen in an environmentally friendly and economical way. It will take a lot of time before the infrastructure has been created and hundreds of thousands of aircraft have been replaced. But we cannot wait and hope if that will ever happen.
So we need a future-oriented technology for the next 30 years and beyond.
The next step for aviation and shipping are synthetic fuels (eFuels), with which CO2-neutral operation will be possible in the foreseeable future. These can be produced worldwide in sunny and windy regions, they are easy, efficient and inexpensive to transport and the transport ships, infrastructure and aircraft are already available. The efficient transport more than makes up for the lower production efficiency compared to hydrogen.
Purely electric take-off and landing in combination with long range and high performance with CO2-neutral synthetic fuels.
For all new and hundreds of thousands of existing aircraft.
XAEROS develops a hybrid system tailor-made for aviation in a unique combination of a purely electric drive for take-off and landing and the use of synthetic fuels, so-called eFuels or SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) for CO2-neutral cruising. This also enables to increase the range of eVTOL air taxis, transport and rescue drones from the current maximum of 50 km to 1000 km and more.
Find out more about the XAEROS hybrid drive here
Background information can be found here:
Challenges for the future > Alternative energy sources >
Contact us via email, telephone or the contact form on this website.
XAEROS presents the unique hybrid system at the following events, among others:

The XAEROS hybrid drive was nominated several times for awards at AERO 2023 in Friedrichshafen/Germany, the most important trade fair for general aviation in Europe.
AERO organizer awarded XAEROS with the second place of the AERO Sustainable Aviation Award in the category
"Energy Source & Propulsion Systems".
Fliegermagazin, one of the strongest aviation magazines in the German-speaking world, awarded XAEROS with the second place in "Innovation of the Year 2023".

The diverse possibilities of new drive systems were presented at AIRTEC MUNICH. A big topic were Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and eFuels, with which a CO2-neutral cruising flight over long distances can be realized in a reasonable time.
Our environment needs a solution now and not only in 30 or 40 years. The XAEROS hybrid drive offers a technology that is feasible and can be realized in a few years. Countless visitors also confirmed this at AIRTEC MUNICH. We were able to make many qualified contacts, from partners in aviation technology to international contacts with investors and business angels.
From June 22 - 26, 2022, the ILA Berlin once again showed where the future of aviation will lie. Even the largest manufacturers of aircraft took the announcements of battery-electric and hydrogen drives very back. The future will very likely belong to eFuels.
The concept of XAEROS AvioPower with the XAEROS Hybrid 200 was of great interest, as it enables a purely electric and therefore very quiet take-off until leaving the airfield at cruising altitude. The cruising flight with synthetic fuels, ie with CO2-neutral eFuel, achieves the range and performance you are accustomed to or much more. The landing approach and landing are again very quiet and purely electric. The viability of the unique concept of the XAEROS hybrid drive was consistently confirmed. Due to the multiple inquiries as to whether the XAEROS Hybrid 200 will also be available for kerosene, this was once again included for the further development strategy.